Volunteer in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia by working hands on in the orphanage center and school.

Tasks and duties include

For school: 
  • Being an assistant to the teachers
  • Help organize after-school sports activities
  • Help organize sports competition between local schools
  • Help organize an after school homework help/tutorship
  • Help organize field trips to educational sites within the city
  • Help organize assemblies (parents, health education, report cards)


For Orphanage:
  • Act as an on-site advisor to the children
  • Give advice on hygiene, school attendance, good conduct, etc
  • Act as mentor for children, taking them on outings
  • Assist in budgeting and distributing funds
  • Assist in shopping for supplies

Upon Arrival:

Escort will pick you up from Dire Dawa airport and take you directly to the site in Malka Jebdu. You will be shown to your room, and given a tour of the site. You will be introduced to the staff members and the children. Then, you will go through an orientation about the culture, language, and lifestyle. You will be briefed about your duties, responsibilities and how we will assist you to achieve the greater goal. After you get settled in, you will be taken on a walking tour of the village, where you will see the main landmarks and meet some local people. You will officially begin volunteering on the following day.


Minimum commitment to volunteer is 1 month, where 3 months would be ideal, and any longer would be even better for a maximum of 6 months


Volunteer positions available:

1-Project Coordinator- monitor the running of the programs (after school activities), help to maintain them by selecting volunteers in the community, or mobilizing recruited volunteers


2-Project Assistant- assist with after-school and in-school activities as well as be a youth mentor for the children who stay on residence

We encourage high school graduates, university/college students and recent graduates to apply. Please indicate the position you are applying for and the duration of your intended stay.


Please email us your resume with cover letter at: karoad@yahoo.ca


Registration fee: $200

  • Will secure your placement with the organization
  • Will allow staff to mobilize equipment and resources to suite your needs (bed, blankets, pillows, storage space, etc)
  • Includes a pre-travel orientation session
 Accommodation fee: $200/month
  • Your food (3 meals a day)
  • Accommodations for duration of stay (room and board)
  • Your pickup from closest airport
  • On-site orientation session- including basic learning of the language, tour of the site and surrounding village, and a breakdown of culture and lifestyle
  • Transportation for field trips, mentor outings and other volunteer related programs
  • Staff support
  • Support projects of the school and orphanage
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